Drapers Editors and Staff Writers with Contacts

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Drapers is a business-to-business magazine and website covering the fashion retail sector. It was founded on 6 August 1887 to cover the women's clothing retail trade, but today spans the whole fashion retail sector, including wider retail issues such as digital transformation, technological advances and the management of supply chains.
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Drapers Editors

Top Drapers Editors, Reporters, and Staff Writers Get Spreadsheet.
Author Name Email Media Outlet
Beccy Hilldrapersonline.com
Emma Finamoredrapersonline.com
Gabriele Dirvanauskasdrapersonline.com
Graeme Morandrapersonline.com
Jade Burkedrapersonline.com
Jill Geoghegandrapersonline.com
Kimberly Laveydrapersonline.com
Mark Banhamdrapersonline.com
Sabina Westondrapersonline.com
Samantha J. Warringtondrapersonline.com
Zoe Hudrapersonline.com